Sunday, August 22, 2010

4 Months!

Dear Sophie,

Today you are 4 months old. Sigh. You are growing so fast.

You want to stand ALL THE TIME...except you can do it by yourself and your legs aren't quite ready to support your weight that long we hold you like that - a lot. You are constantly testing your voice, and more noticeably the volume of your voice. Shrieking and squealing are like your own personal art form right now and you love to see how loud you can do it, change the way you're holding your mouth, and do it again...and again...and again. Your favorite time for this is at about 6:30 am while laying in the bed between a sleeping mama and daddy. We don't mind though because it is so ridiculously cute and you are so proud of yourself when you do it.

About a week ago you rolled over from back to front for the first time! Of course you were naked while you did it but after a few days you figured out you could do it with clothes on too. Now you do it almost as soon as we lay you down.

 Tomorrow you get to meet your auntie Alexis and auntie Bailey for the first time. I'm so excited for you all to meet each other. Bailey especially. She's been asking for Corey and I to make her an aunt for years.

Happy 4 month Birthday, little bear!

Love, mama
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